Join Operation Wipe Out

Operation Wipe Out is working to end cervical cancer as a public health threat throughout Alabama – but we can’t do it alone.

We’re calling on organizations and individuals from across Alabama to join us in this groundbreaking effort. Here’s some examples of how different sectors are already contributing:

Write an op-ed for a local news publication about Operation Wipe Out

Put up a sticker or decal in your office that shows your support for Operation Wipe Out

Put together a local "speaker’s bureau" which can host informational events in the community

Host a viewing of the Conquering Cancer in Alabama video (35min)

followed by discussion with clinicians, community leaders, survivors to discuss actions to take in your community

Commit to supporting Operation Wipe Out

Let us know if you or your organization can commit to support Operation Wipe Out by filling out the form. One of our team members will follow up with you.