OPERATION WIPE OUT Spotlighted by Alabama Academy of Family Physicians

Mar 20, 2024

OPERATION WIPE OUT is featured in the newest issue of The Scope of Family Medicine, the quarterly publication of the Alabama Academy of Family Physicians.

A piece authored by Nancy Wright, Director, Cancer Prevention and Control Division at Alabama’s Department of Public Health, discusses the formation of this groundbreaking partnership, the launch of Alabama’s statewide action plan to end cervical cancer as a public health threat, and ongoing OPERATION WIPE OUT efforts to expand access to and uptake of cervical cancer prevention interventions.

Ensuring that women across the State can access HPV vaccination, cervical cancer screening, and, where necessary, preventive treatment can change the trajectory of this preventable cancer throughout Alabama – saving thousands of lives.

In Wright’s words, “Although Alabama is currently in the top five states in the nation with the highest mortality for cervical cancer, this cancer can be eliminated in our lifetime – what a gift to our children and grandchildren.”

Read the article here.

To view the full issue, click here.